Allysa Benedict demo reel from first year of animation in graduate school.

Autodesk 3ds Max, Pixologic Zbrush, Arnold, Vray, RedGiant, Adobe After Effects, 2020

An animation that describes how monoclonal antibodies can help fight chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Intended for a patient audience to better understand a possible treatment.

Representational for storytelling clarity.

Autodesk 3dsMax, Arnold, Zbrush, Visual Molecular Dynamics, Adobe After Effects

This animation tells the story of how cannabidiol binds to ENT1 affecting adenosine uptake.

Intended Audience: High level science audience. Researchers that might potentially want to study more specific mechanisms/pharmacology of how CBD can reduce epileptic convulsions.

Autodesk 3ds Max, Vray, Zbrush, Visual Molecular Dynamics, Adobe After Effects

A title sequence animation about neutrophils in lung tissues.

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects 2020

2020 Vesalius Trust-a-Thon team winning animation. Every year this event is held to raise funds for Biomedical Visualization student research. A team of my classmates and I came up with this animation after being given the concept "Apart but Together". I served as an asset creator.

Adobe Illustrator, 2020