An editorial illustration created for the NPHF Issue about racism in public health and medicine. This illustrations was meant to accompany an article about racism in patient treatment specific to pediatrics.

Adobe Photoshop, 2020

This two page spread illustration was created to be a step by step guide for the UIC Graham Performance Center. For this class assignment, only line art and a single hue were allowed to be used for simplicity.

Adobe Illustrator, 2020

Each month the UIC Craniofacial Center sends out a postcard with different craniofacial deformities to highlight a specific aspect of care provided by the Craniofacial Center. They are sent to pediatricians, neonatologists and family doctors so they can refer their patients to the Craniofacial Center.

The topic being depicted in this illustration is different jaw deformities.The purpose of this illustration was to describe different jaw deformities such as overbite, underbite, and openbite and how they differ from normal anatomy. The illustration should help grab the attention of neonatologists and family doctors so they will be more likely to refer their patients to the Craniofacial Center.

Adobe Photoshop, 2020

The purpose of this illustration was to educate a jury about spinal injuries sustained by a plaintiff in a vehicular accident. The plaintiff sustained trauma to her lower spine and legs including spondylolisthesis at L5-S1, lumbar paresthesias and a pars defect.

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 2020

The assignment for this illustration was to create an informative diagram of cylindrical anatomy using only pen and ink technique.

Adobe Illustrator, 2020

The purpose of this assignment was to visualize the parasympathetic innervation of the lacrimal gland.

Graphite, Adobe Illustrator, 2019